
Deepal Parikh

Deepal Parikh is a Certified Allergy Release Technique Practitioner (A.R.T.®), Certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP) and a Licensed RESTART® Instructor.

She has also completed her training in complimentary modalities like N.A.E.T. (Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Techniques), EFT Tapping, Eden Energy Medicine and is a Reiki Master.

She strongly believes that our bodies have the innate potential to heal ourselves. Dealing with her children's allergies for over fourteen years using a variety of techniques, she believes A.R.T.® provides the perfect synergy between modern-day medicine and holistic energy-based healing.

My Story

It all started in 2006, when our 8-month-old daughter had an unexpected reaction with her first-ever gulp of yogurt. After some tests, we were told that she was severely allergic to dairy. This was the start of our life-changing journey into the world of food allergies, Benadryl and Epipens.

We got used to the new lifestyle, until our second child was born. He was diagnosed with more food allergies (dairy, soy, eggs, sesame seeds, lentils & beans, and anaphylactic to all nuts) as well as environmental and severe dust-mite allergy. Fall and spring would trigger asthmatic conditions in him, resulting in a sudden trips to the ER. His severe eczema became a never ending cycle of trying out steroidal and non-steroidal creams, long sleepless nights, and challenging showers for him.

The official recommendation by the doctors to "avoid" the allergens was not an acceptable “treatment” plan for us. In our quest for alternative options, we ventured into homeopathy, chiropractic, and acupuncture treatments with little to no positive outcomes.

One of our friends asked us to check out Amy Thieringer based out of Lexington, MA. We looked her up and were intrigued with what A.R.T.® had to offer, considering that it had successfully treated 400+ clients by then. On contacting Amy, my son was put on her waitlist which was already out by a couple of years.

The “avoid-the-allergen“ life continued with a strong emphasis on healthy nutrition. But in 2018, when he was ten years old, the first accidental ingestion of a severe food allergen occurred. The father-son duo was at a fair in NJ, where my son started choking after ingesting some food. The immediate response from my husband, security personnel, and the ER team made sure he was safe. But those first 30-45 minutes were the most nerve-wracking minutes for me and my husband. I made up my mind that day to try everything it takes, to make him allergy-safe by the time he gets ready for his high school days.

The first call went out to Amy to see if she could take him as he had already been on her wait list for a few years now. Her office obliged and we started down the A.R.T.® journey in early 2019. Within his first year of treatment, he was cured of his soy, dairy, eggs, and sesame seeds allergies.

These immediate benefits seen from A.R.T.® really piqued my interest to understand how this process actually works. What’s behind this wonderful blend of Western medical instrumentation and holistic energy-based practices that can heal people of their immune conditions? Having spent years researching alternative therapies, A.R.T.® seemed to be the one that blended it all. I quit my 20+ years of software engineering career and got formal training to be a Certified A.R.T. Practitioner.

Additional training in Nutritional Therapy from NTA & RESTART® Program gave me a solid foundation to be able to support my family in a wholesome way and bring the right balance to their allergies and health.

It's really sweet when my son comes down to me and says “Mumma, I’m so happy that I can now eat food I could never eat before.” For him, it is not just about overcoming his allergies, but also a big life lesson that no matter how tough the hurdles are, if you keep looking, you'll find a solution to your problem.

Healing people is my passion and now my career as well. I'm so excited to share the same A.R.T.® and Nutritional benefits that my family has experienced, with you all!